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Department of Accounting

What We Do

The Department of Accounting prepares students for entry-level positions in the field of accounting and management.

  • Academic

Division of Administration & Finance

What We Do

The division is responsible for financial and budgetary systems and processes, information services, human resources, security and safety, facilities and operations, publishing services, and capital projects for a 47 building, 180-acre campus.​​​​​​​​​

  • Administrative

Africana Studies Program

What We Do

The Africana Studies Program at Rhode Island College is one of the oldest Black studies programs in New England. We offer a transdisciplinary curriculum in the arts, humanities and social/behavioral sciences.

  • Academic

Department of Anthropology

What We Do

The Department of Anthropology prepares you for careers in many areas of the social and behavioral sciences, education, government service, technical fields and business, particularly in an international setting.

  • Academic